Inspections for Residential Structures:
This includes Houses, Condos, PUDs and Manufactured or Modular Homes on Permanent Foundations.
What We Inspect
- HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM – Visible portion of the heating plant and components.
- PLUMBING SYSTEM – All visible fixtures, pipes, and drains tested for operations.
- ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – Outside entrance wiring, service panel, and visible wiring. Random testing of outlets and switches.
- ATTIC – Visible roof sheathing, ventilation, insulation, and framing.
- BASEMENT / STRUCTURE – Foundation soundness and evidence of moisture penetration.
- GENERAL ITEMS – Operation of appliances, doors & windows, ceiling fans.
- ROOF, CHIMNEY, FLASHING, & VALLEYS – Evidence of water penetration, materials, condition.
- SIDING, TRIM, WINDOWS, & STORMS – General condition of each.
- LANDSCAPING – Proper grading and its effects on the foundation.
- GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS – Overall condition, effects of dampness in the basement and its ability to carry of rainwater.
- DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS, DECKS, & PORCHES – General condition of each.
Inspection Reports
The inspection report will be completed and printed on-site when possible. This means you will have your report soon after the inspection is complete! An electronic copy of the report can also be provided by emailed if needed.
Radon Testing
East Tennessee Home Inspections, Inc. uses electronic equipment to measure radon gas levels. This means you will not have to wait the additional time to receive your Radon Test Result. There is no need to mail off test kits to laboratories and wait for their analysis and results which adds days for you to receive your radon test results. Note…The State of Tennessee requires 48 hours of testing for a real estate transaction.
Radon Test Reports
The equipment will display the test result. A computer generated report can also be printed when the test time has concluded.
According to the U.S. Surgeon General:
“Indoor radon gas is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and breathing it over prolonged periods can present a significant health risk to families all over the country. It’s important to know that this threat is completely preventable. Radon can be detected with a simple test and fixed through well-established venting techniques.”
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(865) 414-5517
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Meet the owner
I am Mike Roach, owner and inspector for East Tennessee Home Inspections Inc. I’ve lived in Maryville my whole life and have been inspecting homes and doing radon testing since 2004 in Maryville and the surrounding areas. Being a Maryville native and being a locally owned business owner, I take pride in the work I do for my clients. My goal is to always provide the highest quality inspection service because I understand your home purchase will most likely be single largest investment you will ever make. I thank you for taking the time to inquire about East Tennessee Home Inspections, Inc!